Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Just a quick message this AM, after the positivity of the 2020 summit and calls for all sorts of reforms, good old "white Australia" rears its ancient, racist, zenophobic (is that the correct use of the term?) head to deliver this:-

Immigration concerns

Crazy really, do people think that they can truly have these attitudes forever? I love my bus route to Uni in Perth (one of the few things I do actually like), it's the most multicultural cosmopolitan scene I can imagine. Well, apart from Amanda's school classes I suppose. As it glides past Churchlands ECU, Shenton Park College and UWA, all sorts of students from all over the world hop on and off to go and learn, and you can pretty much tell which campus they are attending when they get on the bus. The best bit is picking up at Churchlands ECU in the evenings, that's when I feel I'm back in Melbourne or Manchester even, not dreary old Perth.

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