Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Why do I want to do this?

Can someone please give me a good reason as to why I shouldn't post "my story" to the Guardian, as per their "My Story" (more below) column? Desperately needing to reach out and find comfort in people that know me today, feeling like a crazy isolated stranger again and I'm thinking of packing it all in and getting my move on once more... Trying to find solace in the outside world, I know if I could just read my book - how funny, it's a semi-textbook! - I'd get some peace of mind and at least push these thoughts away for a while.

Oh, listen to that, dinner's ready, maybe that will help instead. Gotta love the distractions ...

Anyway, the article I've just read is here. Her story is 10million times worse than mine, but you know, I just want to connect to something. Anything.

Fucking get over yourself House ...

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