Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Can someone tell me the difference please?

Between a 15-year old boy wearing Roberts Smith-style makeup and going out in public with his mate similarly attired AND a 17-year old girl getting her ears pierced more than once in each ear?

What's worse?

What would you think would be ACCEPTABLE?

I still find it amusing that the former is a now considered a funny tale about their kooky (yet wholly normal) son, whereas the latter was dealt with threats of being thrown out of home.

Once again, am I overreacting people? Surely not ...


Jamie said...

That would piss me off too.

Amanda Kendle said...

Ha. But what is normal? From my perspective (if I start with myself as normal) you are much more normal than said "wholly normal son".

If these were my children (and, OMG, we are almost old enough that that could be possible) I would soooo throw the son out of home instead :-) No I wouldn't throw him out, but would consider it more in need of a discussion than an earring or two (in an EAR! Nobody puts them there anymore!)

Uh-oh I seem to be in ranty mode so I'd better stop now ...