Wednesday, 2 July 2008

the last for today

The earlier stalking proved extremely amusing as I stumbled across a load of Melbourne friends' Friendster profiles. The LJ's (of course!), Ben, Timesy, Mitchell and a whole host of others spilled forth from Guy's profile. So funny, so nice to see all the lovely things they wrote about each other back when testimonials were all the rage. Made me miss Melbourne even more, but then I miss all my friends across the world all the time I suppose, what's the difference really? If only they could all be in the one place ... I'm not even convinced I know where that would be best anymore? London? Melbourne? Maybe I'll just choose somewhere completely new that my sweetheart and I would love - Barcelona? Roma? Berlinn? - and stay there. That's if I can find a sweetheart first ...

1 comment:

Amanda Kendle said...

yep this exact idea makes me (occasionally) wish that I had just stayed in Perth my whole life (and didn't teach foreigners who are likely to go back to their countries too), because having friends who are all over the world sounds like a great idea but actually really sucks because you can never see them enough. As for finding a sweetheart ... sure you can. You never know when he'll suddenly turn up!