Friday, 5 September 2008

WIll this ever get easier?

Having to talk to new people about my illnesses and then fill in fricking forms to analyse my depression/anxiety/suicide/general mentalness levels really dampens my mood. Is that surprising? Probably not. But the past two Friday's have been ruined by said occurences, of course, other good things have come out of them - not everything is all doom and gloom - but I just hate the absolute low that I hit and then I have to rely on someone else to drag me out of the doldrums. It's ever so boring. Well, at least Manoj thinks the DBT will only take 16 months instead of four years, how's that for hope? Do you note my sarcasm? If you dom't, I have no idea why you're even readin this, I obviously don't know you ... Anyway, here's to Friday being the new Sunday, any of my ex's can tell you quite what that involves, nightmare.

1 comment:

Amanda Kendle said...

Yuck. Totally no fun, I can imagine. But hey, at least you've got Manoj, even if he does give you "good" news that isn't. But I know you'll make it and life will be so, so great :-) I promise.