OK, where was I? Just got distracted by yet another need to RSS some useless musicblog bollocks, but at least I now am ORGANISED when it comes to RSS, and now know what it fricking means! Big apologies to the peeps that I dissed about four years (give or take maybe two of them) ago when they were requesting said feeds for StuPot's diary - I had no idea what you were on about and it has taken me this long to figure it out, so there is no way I could have incorporated it into the fabbo B&S site. Oooh, first use of the add link tool on this blog site too, I am getting into it.
(It's a bit chilly tonight, time for my hoodie)
Spent today with my cousin in Freo. It's so lovely to catch up with Margs, a shame we can't get plastered like we used to do in Melbs, but at least there's more conducive conversation. Sample of old conversation:- "... and then I kissed the oh-so-sexy black-jeaned nice-haired boy with girlfriend blah blah blah...", repeat until I go crazy twelve months later. However, I couldn't help feeling like I'd had a three hour counselling session, so I'm feeling kinda drained. Could do with a day off sat in front of this white box that holds my life, writing/reading/organising and cleaning up stuff. Maybe tomorrow. Too much stuff running around my brain, I need to start back in with the structured days, to try to stop feeling so disparate and anxious. All those books going unread in favour of uninspiring episodes of Scrubs. Nae point in that really. Then all the FB nonsense as well. Still, it's so great to come across peeps like Geoff and have conversations between my friends and sister who don't know each other. I fear my obsessive compulsive tendencies are coming back again, the need to start rigidly organising things - or that fantasy that I possibly could - and the letdown's when I don't achieve nearly as much as I want to. Expectation, I curse you! Twice!
How cute is this?
Super grumpy shorn Molly Moe. Actually, that picture doesn't do any justice to her cuteness, but it will have to suffice, as I haven't figured out how to add a pic right where I leave the cursor, rather than at the top of the blog. The HTML editor ain't that perfect then. Thank whoever she's not off to Canberra anytime soon, and thank that same whomever that she comes when I call her. Having to deal with this parental sheeeyite with no Moe would be kinda difficult. Thanks to you Moe Moe, you are a life saver.
Saw a film last night, Waitress, which was extremely promising except for its flipping fairytale ending. Most of it made me terribly uncomfortable, some good some bad to be discovered in that. But all in all I thought it was mostly well written, directed and acted, apart from the powerful female character's being handed the good fortune she'd been looking for on a plate. Since when does life work like that? Actually, since when did I become so overwhelmingly bitter and angry? Me not likee, I need a new out. anyone know of any decent free wireless hotspots in Perth where I can plug in the laptop and not feel I have to buy countless coffee's and friands (they're the new muffin's, y'see)? Preferably with nearby rail link? Bet askjeeves doesn't have an answer for that one, maybe I'll tap him up and see...
Oh, look at that, instead of AJ, I just wandered off and found yet another musicblog to RSS, Carrie ex-Sleater Kinney's NPR musicings. When the hell am I going to have time to read all these flipping things? I am loving you GoogleReader and lovely RSS orange icon whatsie, but I fear that you may be my next internerd downfall, post FB, Adium, lastfm, myspaz, flickr, iChat, Friendster, ILX, FAP, Skype, Bowlie, #sinister @ mIRC, and where it all seemingly started, the one and only Sinister. And we're back to B&S again ... actually, blame Kitchen, he got me hooked before that. Bastard.
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