Monday, 5 November 2007

the beginning?

OK, so maybe LJ isn't the best place to write, let's try here and see if it's any more inspiring.

Today is Guy Fawke's Day, historically significant for more reasons than the attack on Parliament, for me anyways. A freezing cold Scottish night, dodging wee neds with their penny firecrackers (or whatever they cost nowadays), worrying about all the poor animals in their hooses frightened by local mini-explosions and crossing Glasgow Green with thousands of other revellers to watch the fireworks. Yet today, I wake up to the alarm on my Crack, note the date, open the blinds and find burning sunshine across blue skies. The complete opposite. It's hard to take in, how can I leave those memories behind? I want this:-

Instead, I have this ...

Bah, the irony.

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