Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Can serious intellectual theory provide the key to happiness and personal fulfilment for everyone?

Ummmmm, YES!

Well, at least I hope it bloody well can, as that's the avenue I am pursuing at present. I haven't even read Julian Baggini's article, (I will do once I have finished typing this post), but I must say that I do think it is certainly worth trying to come up with some answers.

As I am embarking on another, probably deeper and longer period of internal questioning and restructuring (DBT anyone?), to be able to ponder on the mysteries of our existence helps to stop me getting so involved in my own pathetic problems and puts things into perspective. Plus, it's actually a damn sight more rewarding than shopping or chocolate at times too; cracking an argument or understanding a theory rather gets the blood going in a way I never expected intellectual pursuit would. The fabulous argument Philipp and I had yesterday over James vs Clifford on the Rationality of Faith being case in point!

So, if you're looking for something a little more enlightening, sobering or interesting, I would certainly give Philosophy a go. Speaking of which, time for me to pack up my books and head on in to school, I have an essay on Faith in the absence of Reason to write!

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