Friday 2 May 2008

Oh, the nostalgia!

Still waiting for the London mayoral result, 4.16pm their time and it's still not confirmed that Blondie Boofhead is the new mayor, but it seems to be horrifically leaning that way. Maybe I won't move back to London until there's a new mayor in town ...

Anyway - sorry, Catherine Tate Show is on in the background, seem to be tempted by its awfulness - the Sinister list archives are back and I've been tempted to have a wee delve. Yes, it's horridly narcissistic, but searching for ones early posts is something I'm unable to resist.

As I'm flicking through, I remember the trips off Sinister on to Bowlie and then ILM/ILX at various times as well, all the things said that will just stay out there in the ether for ever it seems. My first post from "our" account. My first post from Jeepster. My first post "as" Jeepster. Then from Glasgow as the shop, as Banchory, as me, as management, as press officer as the band. All the posts that are now lost that were written before Sinister existed. All the fun (and evil) things on Bowlie that will disappear at some point in August. All the people I've been in contact with through these lists, through this band. All my different sig files. My "no capitals" phase. The very officious posts. The overfriendly lovey dovey ones. The crap attempts at being "the" source of information. Finding people years later on Friendster, Myspace and now Facebook. Massive part of my life, I think I could spend hours following the threads and people, but I should really be reading Freud or something else. Anyway, this has to be my favourite personal discovery so far. I'm sure I'll find more some other time, but this amuses me greatly for now.

Bootlegging Tigermilk

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