Monday 18 February 2008

things i can't forget to remember...

I subscribe to FAR too many mailing lists. I succeeded last year in un-subscribing from a heap of them, but as sure as day follows night (as it does here, maybe not at the Pole's) I have found myself reading through PILES and PILES of online stories about anything and everything. A week away doesnae help either, I read and deleted most of my personal messages on the Crack, but most mails containing weblinks were avoided. So, after a half-day at University today and the incredible promise of a very MATTE new MacBook still to be opened, I delve into the depths of my mail on this lovely fading iBook and come across the following ...

Bel talking about patriotism and Scottish music in The Guardian
I miss the wee notes we used to write. Actually, there's a lot of things I miss and I suppose I hadn't remembered the remarkably distant yet involving way in which Bel writes until I came across this article. I wish I'd been at Jason's Hogmanay party instead of Popstarz or wherever I ended up in London with Cath that NYE, but I suppose if I'd had, the next 12 years or so would have panned out pretty differently I think!

Caledonia Dreamin'
Here's hoping they spoke to Jackson as well as Murdoch for the B&S perspective in this documentary, as he is the true West Coast music man. But then Murdoch lived there for a while too? Oh sod it, they all feel the same affinity, it does indeed pervade the musical spirit of Glasgow, but then so do very many other times and places as well. I want to see this doco asap however, maybe I'll have to try and download that frog software torrent thingy on the MacBook. MB: that needs an nickname. I'll have to ponder on it for the evening ...

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